Air Treks

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Airplane thoughts

Well tomorrow marks the final countdown until the end of my residency. T-100 day!!!  What does that mean?  Well that means I have to staff 8 more weekend days! I have less than 100 days to find a job, hopefully to start in September!  I need 60 days off from residency before I enter the real world.  :) However the bulk of my remaining work lies in the next 40 days. I have to finish my Master's project and present it at the end of April. I am very excited to get it done as it has turned into a very time consuming activity which is preventing me from other fun things at work. I also have another clinical rotation in April. All in all: I have a very very busy 40 days. However, I am highly anticipating my trip to Paris which conveniently falls the day after I present my Master's project!!!  Additionally, Kristen and I are trying find a place to start our careers in the next 40 days so I am very excited to explorer the possibilities.

All of these To Do's have me typing about them on my iPhone as I fly over Illinois back from Vegas. I am usually asleep before the plane is at top altitude. Vegas was a blast. It was Ben's bachelor party!  We watched more basketball in our days than I have in months. It was great. Vegas is nuts during march madness.

It was really cool flying here on Thursday. We flew right over Sullivan. I could see the high school, wyman lake, lake Shelbyville, etc...  It was a clear day. How ironic though that I had a window seat and that I was paying attention and that we actually tracked over the big town of Sullivan. I wonder what the 2010 census will be for Sullivan. What's the odds on over/under of 4400 people?  I didn't see the odds while I was in Vegas. :)

Damn that reminds me, I forgot to put $20 down on Illinois winning the NIT!  I did put $20 on OSU after Kansas got upset yesterday.

Not sure what to title this blog as it is probably the most random one to date.

Well my thumbs are starting to hurt from typing on this little screen. Maybe I can grab a 45 minute nap.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Car wash!!
Today was a great day...After months of getting in a salt encrusted car everyday, I was finally able to get my car washed!!  This usually takes me hours and hours after a harsh winter as the car needs a complete wash down, wax, carpet shampoo, floor mat cleaning, etc...  However, I finally got smart and decided to pay to get it washed.  I am usually against this for a few reasons.  1st: no one washes it good enough to my liking, 2nd the extra cost isnt worth it.  But after thinking about it, I realized that this was only true once I clean my car routinely.  After three months of no cleaning, it was most definitely worth the $35 to have it cleaned and waxed.  They did everything for me (except shampoo the carpet, but that would have cost me an extra $100 and all I need to do is the front floor board).  Have you ever gone camping for 3 or 4 days and you finally get to come home to shave and shower?  Well that is how I feel now that I got to clean my car.  And I got new floor mats with a gift certificate too.  Also, Mother Nature, I went ahead a packed away my ice scrappers so Columbus cannot have any more snow until I move. 

So within 25 minutes tonight, I got my car washed and waxed while eating a Chipotle burrito.  This was way better than spending 2-3 hours in the car wash parking lot doing it myself.  I do look forward to the day when I can wash it by hand again.