Air Treks

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I have never really taken New Year’s resolutions seriously.  I can only remember having two resolutions that I rotated between: trying not to fight with my brothers and not using God’s name in vein.  I think these two resolutions were fairly successful, at least most of the time and depending in who you ask.  As I explained my lack of interest in resolutions to Kristen last week, she challenged me to think of one and try and stick to it.  What was it supposed to be?  I try and be a good person and do the right things.  A few days after New Years and my attempt to pass on another resolution, Kristen asked me if I had came up with anything.  I really liked the idea of having one this year for the first time.  I thought and thought and she asked me what was something that I wanted to do that I haven’t been doing.
Bing!  As I chowed down on Dallas BBQ (Texas Roadhouse but better), it hit me.  I have always wanted to start a blog.  For two reasons:  First, I thought it would be a great way to communicate to my friends and family across the country.  Second, it would act like a journal of my life.  I have never had a journal and thought it would be cool to read these blogs in five years, etc… Or have my kids read my blogs.  So here I am, making my resolution come true.  I have decided that I will write whatever is on my mind.  It might be about frustrations I am going through.  It might be about the cool things I have been blessed to do.  I might through in some pictures (if it is possible).  I might talk about the news or health care or money.  What I haven’t decided is how often I will write.  I want to blog at least once a week, so that is my starting goal.
One disclaimer: I am not going to proofread these blogs and edit them over and over, so do not expect novel quality writing.
Hope you find joy/interest in my blogs.  Please feel free to reply or comment on them.

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